Saturday, January 10, 2009

I just went to the library today, after graduating from school for almost like 5 months? I went through the shelves to find some books on welding, and when i got down comfy on a chair, I did wat I always do before reading, SLEEP.

So i woke up to a blurry eye and starting reading what my future works gonna be all about. It hasn't really sunk in yet, this whole job thing. But i'm looking forward to it like it's my new day in school!~

Nothing much to rant about, I'm as happy as a goose for now. I gotta get down and dirty on getting some yearly resolutions right. My planning's just halfway man. Someone help me plan my itinerary for this yr and I will pay ya. Sure helps when people do ur work for ya. =)

Alright, come back in a while. I will learn to add pictures to my blog next time. =)


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