Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Hi people!

It's been a long time since i returned to blogging. I have been trying to find my password and username for the longest time... and I finally remembered it! I'm so thankful that i get to claim this back.

So... I will start my ramblings...

Too many things, too little time on this blog. But I guess very recently, I'm reminded of the initial passion and love for the things that I do. Sometimes, the things that i worked for and dreamed about... yeah it came to pass, but then again, it can feel like a routine sometimes when I do it... its something which i have to guard.

What good a work can be without the passion and zeal filling it? It starts becoming a clanging cymbal or hollow sounds from the drumsets.

I need a greater capacity to love people, to love the unloved. To set the captives free.

I'm not trying to be a hero. But sometimes, I wish I could so people will know that life ain't so bad with that guy around after all.

The passion and zeal for what I have been fighting for, that fire must never go off... if not there's really not much a point in living.

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