Friday, May 01, 2009


Hey folks!

I just replaced the song that sounds so jarring into a piece which is quite dear to me. It's Hydra by Toto!

Toto is more than just the brand of the urinal you notice when you pee, or another name for 4D. It's a famous band who's known for great musicianship, creating music that touches the soul with simplicity and touch. Tan Boon, if you're reading this, your influence and ideals has extended into this student of yours, and we believe in Toto!

I know some of you drummers are reading this with gaping mouths, just to let u know, I did a watered down version of it. I'm not that good la... haha!

I performed the solo part of the song for my graded exam a few years back, and listening to it makes me think of all the tough times I've been through during that period...

Practicing like mad,
Reading like mad,
Asking for help like mad,
and praying like mad.

I think, it was one of those seasons where I changed for the better. There was direction in my studies, outlook in life, and musicianship.

I think all musicians can agree that a healthy self-esteem is important. The tone and depth of your notes or hits can be felt more than just seen. Gotta be secure in what u know you can offer, and what you can't give.

To the technical musician, Tan Boon thought me a whole lot on groove, and to be honest, I haven't really understand what it means. But one thing about it is his demonstration of groove. There are so many depths to his playing, and the feels it creates.

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