Saturday, July 22, 2006

Yesterday night was fun! I was out celebrating my friendship with 3 people i know since forever started.

Friendships are so fragile. Discords that forms have to be resolved fast. Or else it festers and ruins the relationship. I'm glad that through all these years, we have never let anything ruin this with misunderstandings or pettiness. Joel, once again you were my budd when I needed one. Chuiling, you especially have a big heart for people u know.

Yesterday's KTV was good, I was waking up to the tune of David Tao's Tian Tian. Strange considering that I mainly listen to english songs. Maybe it had hit a chord in me.

I had this nightmare last night. It wasn't anything scary or a monster- filled adventure. But I saw someone who I know, and am so familiar with, she changed a 180 degrees to another person that I no longer knew. I was staring on and I couldn't believe it.

To know someone change so much is a nightmare for me, cause I usually associate change with going downhill in character and morality. Don't ask me why, I've seen enough in real life to tell you that. People fall more than they rise up. It's sad is n't it? How I wish I could do something about it. But I know God can.

Ben, you have fought your odds, and rised up like never before conquering your mountains with painful decisions. Where people back slided, he bounced back and made an impact on his odds.

Guard what is pure and undefiled in your heart. Your thoughts are the network of your soul. When it's challenged by temptation, hold on to the cross. And you can only become happier.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

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